I woke up this morning with the line from an old song, "You'll have to speak up, I have beans in my ears," running through my mind. For those of you too young to have heard it on the radio, I have posted a link at the end of today's blog.
So what, you may ask, does this little ditty have to do with a health challenge?
I am guessing, that God is trying to get my attention! (Read: Day One of this blog for more about listening to God.) I am so jazzed about hearing God's voice. Each day, He speaks to me, and as I am getting the beans out of my ears, I am hearing more clearly!
Beans, for me, symbolize those things I stupidly place between me and God. Usually, they are the mindless, daily activities that consume my attention, diverting me from that vertical conversation with my Lord. If I am not deliberate, they block my hearing.
Today, His message to me through this song, was to remind me to ask Him what is best for me to eat. Last week, I was feeling frustrated at the lack of downward movement of my scales. Before I went to sleep that night, I cried out in my sometimes whiny way, "What is the deal!!" I didn't hear response.
The next morning right before I woke up, I had a dream. In my dream, I was repeating my whiny question to God as I started to make my coffee. I went to the refrigerator to get my cream, and when I picked it up, I discovered it was rotten.
I awakened with a wondering. Could it be the cream I put in my several cups of jo each day that is the culprit in my dieting failure? I told my friend/sister Annette about the dream, and she quickly totaled the calorie count, yikes!! I cannot even repeat it here. Suffice it to say, realization dawned, that if I just eliminate that one thing from my daily diet, I could lose 40-50 pounds in ONE YEAR without even changing anything else!!!
With great haste and delight, I took it as my word from God for that day, and started drinking my coffee black. Guess what? Yesterday, when I got on the scales, I had already lost three pounds! And that is with totally Not watching my diet last week. We ate out almost every day, two meals a day, during a Board meeting.
I am so jazzed! (Can you tell I have had three strong cups of black coffee already!) LOL
Today, I am taking the beans out of my ears, and listening for the next bit of wisdom from my precious Abba. He really does know how to fix that which He created!
So, my challenge for you today, dear cyber friend, is to look for the small, seemingly insignificant items you put in your mouth each day. You may find your cream saboteur!
Blessings, Anna Marie
Serendipity Singers - Beans in My Ears