Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thirsty? Stop in for a drink of living water!: Just You!

Thirsty? Stop in for a drink of living water!: Just You!: You woke me up this morning, Lord, and I realized You are all I want.  Nothing matters but You. The enemy of my soul would love to shut me...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Are You Running for the Greater Good!

I have always found that when it comes to working out, and I  I get stuck in my "want to," it really helps to be doing it for something bigger than myself. (No pun intended!)

Recently, I made a commitment to run an 8k for the Wounded Warrior Project.  This is a cause that is really close to my heart.  I have had many family members serve in the armed forces.  Thankfully, none of them were wounded.  But I have met and loved many others who were hurt emotionally by the traumas they witnessed. 

So, I am running for them all.  Thank you to all who have served.

What I had forgotten, is how having a cause to train for solidifies my motivation! I want to get to the track every day.  I want to do well at the run, for them!

Yesterday, I was so tired after working and praying at our healing center.  Normally, I would find that to be an excuse to forgo the workout.  But because of these precious people, I couldn't wait to push through the tiredness and GO!

Find a cause! If you have been stuck or unmotivated.  I promise you, it really works!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can the Season of Lent Produce Health?

Yesterday, was Ash Wednesday.  I missed attending my church due to a bad case of bronchitis.  My home remedy of drinking onion juice precluded me being around fellow humans!

Sitting here, stinking of onions, alone with my thoughts, I have been mulling over this health challenge blog, as it applies to my observance of a holy Lent.  Last year, I wrote the following for my other blog: Thirsty? Stop in for a Drink of Living Water!
Remember, dust you are and to dust you shall return.  Powerful words of remembrance that this life is fleeting and how important it is to make all the in-between time count.

Lord, help me to remember.  Help me to live each day in the secret place of the Most High.  Help me to make a difference in this life.  Let me bring many to Your Kingdom.

Thank You Lord for every burnt up thing in my life.  Let me wear it upon my forehead as a reminder of what remains:  How much I loved, how many know You because of your love in me.
 As I have been reflecting on the symbol of the ashes we have marked on our foreheads, I keep hearing "Beauty for ashes, sorrow to joy!"

My lenten discipline and health challenge, therefore will be to do those things that I know produce health, beauty and joy.

First, for health:
  1. I am increasing the amount of fresh produce I eat.  I am going to eat fruit for breakfast and veggies for lunch and dinner, with the occasional small piece of fish or meat, at dinner. I am thinking three days a week is enough for the heavy proteins.  Years ago, I learned about proper food combinations. I know there is controversy as to if it really matters, but I can tell you, I have never felt so strong as when I ate that way.  If you are unfamiliar with the method, in a nutshell: Eat fruit only, first thing in the day. Wait at least 2 hours, three is better, before changing food groups. Eat carbs with other carbs and butter. No other dairy. Protein goes only with green, watery type veggies like salad, green beans, etc. If you must have cheese on your baked potato, go with the soy or rice types.
  2. I am adding shooting basketball hoops with my husband three to four days a week.  I had forgotten how much fun playing basketball could be.  We had our first go at it this week. It was so much fun, that it is also going to feed into my joy as well!! 
  3. I am going to be more disciplined about taking the supplements that I need.  
  4. I am going to try really hard to get at least seven hours of sleep each day.  Check out the link at the bottom of this blog for a great article from Harvard Medical School.  My personal favorite reason is the proper amount of sleep helps to maintain a healthy weight! 
Second, for beauty:

Studies have shown that when we perceive things as beautiful we find they are easier to use, better quality, relaxing to be around.  There are many ways to add beauty to our lives.
  1. Let's be intentional and really look for the beauty around us.  The old saying: Stop and smell the roses, has real health producing wisdom.  
  2. Add something beautiful to your work area.  A single flower, a photo that makes you dream, even beautiful music increases your pleasure.  And don't stop there! Each day find something of beauty to add to every room of your home. And, remove that eye-sore that has been annoying you!
  3. Spread the love! Pick someone in your life each day to bless with a thing of beauty.  It doesn't have to cost $. Pick a dandelion and give it to a friend.  Write your favorite scripture or poem on note card  and slip it in someone's purse or pocket. Even a heart-felt smile to a stranger can change that person's day.
  4. Get a pedicure! (My personal favorite way to bless myself!)
  5. Draw someone a picture! Doesn't have to be a Picasso! Remember passing notes in elementary school? 
Thirdly, for joy!
  1. Start each day with a shout of praise and thanksgiving! 
  2. Dance your way to the kitchen for that first cup of coffee! 
  3. Have a good belly laugh every day!  Find this hard?  Get a book of funny stories or jokes. Rent a funny movie. Make up a goofy joke to tell someone else and laugh at your own punch line! 
  4. Make a list of favorite things. Reflect on them everyday. 
  5. Keep a joy journal. Write down everything that happens each day, that made you smile. 
  6. Look up scriptures that mention joy or rejoice. Read one every day and meditate upon it. 
  7. Every day, find someone that you can share your joy with. Joy shared is doubled!
I hope you will be blessed by some of these ideas.  Here's to your health!! Anna Marie

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What's in Your Pantry? Part 2!

This cleaning out of the pantry and freezer has been kind of like Christmas.  There are so many surprises!  I have found things that I had forgotten about, like yeast for baking, and gourmet coffee beans.

Today, we ran out of bread. Even though I had given myself permission to buy bread, I decided to try making some English muffins.  To my delight, the yeast was still active, even though the package said use before 2008!  (I did get my husband to lay hands on it and speak life to it! He had the nerve to cast out the spirit of hockey pucks!)

I forgot what a workout cooking from scratch is and especially making bread.  My arms need some serious strengthening!  This calls for more bread-making.  I am going to figure out the difference (approximately) in the calorie expenditure between driving to the store and buying a loaf and making it from scratch. I will let you know. :)

If you think about it, first there is all that bending and stooping to dig out the bowls, and pots and pans that have been buried for years.  Then there is the extra work that is created as you find cups filled with broken, beaded necklaces that you have been wondering where they went! Because now you have to find your beading tools and fix the necklaces, after you finish with the flour!

Then there is the washing of the dishes so they can be reused quickly.  Then there is the shoulder shrugs and arms (side-ways) curls as you stir in the flour bit by bit. I do think I have raised my heart rate significantly!  Yay!

I also ran out of Melitta coffee filters today.  As promised, I pulled out my percolator and made a pot of coffee requiring no filter.   I  had to make a mix of regular and decaf because I am almost out of regular beans...I am getting nervous!  Can I really switch to tea!!!

Yesterday we ran out of soda, so I made a pot of green tea sweetened with a little raw honey. Over ice it went and you know? I actually liked it.  Jack did too, but he did not ask for more...

Today's dinner will be an experimental venison-sausage pasta dish.  If it is good, I'll post the recipe..

Blessings, Anna Marie

Monday, January 23, 2012

What's in Your Pantry?

Each day I awaken with another idea for healthy changes to make.  This morning I had a bright idea that should prove challenging, but I have to ruminate on the health benefits. I am not going to go shopping for groceries until everything in my pantry, refrigerator and freezer is used up!

The only exception will be for Ezekiel bread and organic butter, and perhaps the occasional fresh fruit or vegetable, and rice milk, and eggs.
But when I go to the store, I will have a list and cash.  No cheating!!

I asked my husband if he was up for the realize this means I have to drink up all the 20 boxes of tea before I buy coffee again...his look was so funny!  He said, " Oooookaaay. I'll try."  LOL!
If you saw my food supplies, you would understand!

A couple of years ago, I started storing up dried beans and rice, spices and canned goods in case the world collapsed.   I have myriads of jars of jelly and jam, odd assortment of pickles and chutney...the list goes on! 

I actually do think there will be health benefits, the more I think about it.  For example, tea has antioxidants that coffee does not have, and less caffeine. (I posted a link to an article about green tea that is very enlightening at the end of this post) Dried beans and rice do not have the fat and other bad stuff like steroids and other mysterious additions we know nothing about.  Most of the rice I have stored is brown rice. This is great for our digestion!

One fun thing will be using the marshmallows and pudding and chocolate chips!!! I buy that kind of thing around the holiday season, but many times they never get used.  :) I may have to post some of the recipes I concoct!

I am going enjoy making my own granola again.  You would not believe how much oatmeal I have out in the refrigerator in the garage!  Oatmeal is awesome for lowering cholesterol.  But I have not cooked any in over a year!  I could put the chocolate chips in the granola! Chocolate is good for you!  Antioxidants! :)

Making homemade bread should be a challenge. Time to let it rise might be hard to find...oh wait! This is something I could do with the grandkids! Yes! 

I guess the best health benefit will be a boost in my creativity!
Supper is at 6:00pm...all are welcome!  Blessings, Anna Marie

Saturday, January 14, 2012

10 Simple Changes to Improve Your Health

If you have been following my blog you know I am all about small, do-able steps to get healthy. Thought I would share a list of things I am doing and maybe it will spark some ideas for you. Most of these are not new, but I figured if I need reminding then probably others do as well!  Here goes:

  1. Start your day with thanksgiving!  Put a reminder beside your bed that you will see when you open your eyes. Or if you are a techie, make an alarm wake up that says, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!" instead of a ringer! 
  2. Take the stairs and not the elevator.
  3. Park at the outside of the parking lot and not the closest. Think of it as saving those close spots for the elderly and handicapped, being thankful you can walk! 
  4. Choose whole-grain over processed.
  5. Double the veggies and cut the meat in half.
  6. Share dessert. :)  One or two bites is satisfying! 
  7. Try a new activity: Hiking in the state parks, walking and exploring your town's historical district, take tennis lessons, prayer walk your neighborhood, grab your partner and take some dancing lessons!
  8. If you have an addiction, try cutting back on one each day. Whether it's coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, Hershey kisses. Count how many you are indulging in each day and cut back on one each day and replace the time you would have spent indulging with an activity like jump on a re-bounder, take a short walk, do a set of sit-ups, push-ups.  Stop and sing at the top of your voice something that makes you laugh! 
  9. Listen to classical music for at least 15 minutes each day. (I promise it helps the brain!)
  10. Get at least 15 minutes of sunshine each day without wearing sunscreen...Vitamin D, baby!
I would love to hear some of your ideas, too! Blessings, Anna Marie