Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Short Update

I have been reading an interesting book that has been out for some time, Eat Right 4 Your Type.  It gives some interesting advice for exercise according to blood type. I was surprised that for me the best is running or weight lifting, and that is what I really like to do! For Jack the best is cycling and stretching, and that is what he likes to do! Fascinating!

We are still going strong together at the gym.  My knees are getting stronger. I was able to run gently for an hour on the treadmill recently. And that is even though I have not been running at all! My workout has been cycling and weight machines.  I have lost weight and inches and am getting so much stronger in my arms and shoulders.

Sleep has improved greatly.  I am totally converted in my eating habits.  That last bad habit I have of eating too fast, is changing without me even thinking about it!  I think it is because I am calmer inside.

So I just wanted to send an encouragement out to my friends who are also on a health quest.  Don't give up!  You can do it!!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Wow! It has been a long time since I wrote a blog here! A lot has happened in the past year. The most exciting for me is the fact that my husband is now working out with me! This year, for Lent, I felt like I was supposed to add something, rather than give up something.  That something I added was exercise at the gym I have belonged to forever!  It is so true! Do something for 21 days and it becomes a habit! I wake up every morning actually looking forward to my workouts!  But the best thing is Jack is with me! For 38 years I have tried to get him to run or work out with me. Now we are doing it!!!! It is so exciting! I get to watch him get healthy as I am doing so.
For those of you who pray for us, THANK YOU!!!!!!

Now get out there and get moving! You will only feel better!!