It hit me today at 5pm. Suddenly it felt like an elephant was squishing me all over! I think I overdid it at the gym yesterday! Six miles on the bike, then weight machines of all sorts. It felt so good while I was doing it! Even now sitting in my chair, the laptop feels like it weighs a ton!
Tonight, I soak in Epsom salts! Has anyone out there ever done that for sore muscles? It is amazing! 5-10 minutes and all pain is gone! I have even done it when I have a virus. Voila! Symptoms greatly eradicated! Try it you'll like it!
Tomorrow, I plan on going to the gym again. Please say some prayers!! :)) I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!
Be blessed everyone! It may be a week or more before I blog about this again. Don't give up! Just think we are almost to the end of the 60 days! How many are feeling that they have crossed that line where they won't quit? I feel that way! Thanks for all the prayers and support!
The drawing for the book and bracelet will happen when get back from Johannesburg. If you want in, please become a follower and share this link on Facebook. Leave a comment to let me know who you are.!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 50! Take it Up a Notch!
As I am sitting here this morning, I am thinking of the trip to Africa that is looming. These past 50 days have been filled with hope. Everyday, I feel stronger and healthier, even though I cannot say I look any better. The week we spent in San Diego was awesome. Physically, I was thrilled to discover that every day, the stairs became less and less of a challenge and more and more of a lark. I actually ran up and down them the last two days! But as I think of our overseas trip, I am daunted. Today, I am going to add weight training. I have a gym membership that has been going to waste. That changes today!
I am targeting my back this week. I found a great series of back exercises from the Mayo Clinic. Click here to view slides! They recommend these to be done twice a day. In thinking of my back, I am reminded of Jesus compelling us to take His yoke upon us. He said that His yoke is easy and His burden light. Today, I am going to intentionally meditate upon that as I work to strengthen my back. I lay all of my burdens at His feet, especially the burden I sometimes carry for getting healthy and losing weight. He knows me, He made me and He knows how to fix me.
I would love to hear from all of you. How is your plan coming along? What improvements have you noticed?
I am praying for you. Blessings, Anna Marie
PS I don't know how much access I will have to the internet while we are gone, but don't quit! I will blog as I am able. Also, you may be interested in reading my husband's books, or the books of our dear friend Bitsy.
Visit our online store! Click here!
I am targeting my back this week. I found a great series of back exercises from the Mayo Clinic. Click here to view slides! They recommend these to be done twice a day. In thinking of my back, I am reminded of Jesus compelling us to take His yoke upon us. He said that His yoke is easy and His burden light. Today, I am going to intentionally meditate upon that as I work to strengthen my back. I lay all of my burdens at His feet, especially the burden I sometimes carry for getting healthy and losing weight. He knows me, He made me and He knows how to fix me.
I would love to hear from all of you. How is your plan coming along? What improvements have you noticed?
I am praying for you. Blessings, Anna Marie
PS I don't know how much access I will have to the internet while we are gone, but don't quit! I will blog as I am able. Also, you may be interested in reading my husband's books, or the books of our dear friend Bitsy.
Visit our online store! Click here!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Day 48 Getting there!
I know it is actually Monday, but I am still on California time, so it is really Sunday!
Last week was such a blessing! Jack and I were in California for a Healing Conference. I spent every day walking up and down stairs, across the campus of USD. I have never felt more fit in my life! What a joy to know that only a short time period of the health challenge has radically transformed my strength.
I just want to send out an encouraging word to those who are working out with me. It does make a difference! Keep going. You can be strong!
I will be picking up where I left off in this blog. Blessings to all who have been paying attention to our dilemma in the west. G'nite!
Last week was such a blessing! Jack and I were in California for a Healing Conference. I spent every day walking up and down stairs, across the campus of USD. I have never felt more fit in my life! What a joy to know that only a short time period of the health challenge has radically transformed my strength.
I just want to send out an encouraging word to those who are working out with me. It does make a difference! Keep going. You can be strong!
I will be picking up where I left off in this blog. Blessings to all who have been paying attention to our dilemma in the west. G'nite!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Day 43! To the Glory of God!
1 Corinthians 10:31 b "...Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
This Scripture has been ringing in my heart these past couple of weeks as my workout schedule has given way to life. Last week it was Vacation Bible School. This week it has been walking around the most beautiful college campus I have ever seen in the United States, The University of San Diego, and around the surrounding area. Wow! It makes me want to go back to school and just learn everything!
But, as I think about my workout in terms of life and how it can fit in, I see that every health challenge must become a way of life. Whether we are spending time in the gym or simply executing our daily life necessities, we can be intentional. I can't help but get excited about how the last month and a half have helped me prepare for my life now! I know I would not have been able to withstand the rigors of the level of activity I have been experiencing, if not for the new discipline in my life. I want to encourage you to not give up! I know I say that a lot, but I need to hear it, so I am assuming you do, too!
Diet-wise, I have been sort of eating what has been provided. I have missed a few meals, but I know I need more discipline, and I have been lax in asking God for His point of view on meals....I repent!!
Keep it up! I know you are feeling better! I have been wondering how many of you would be interested in meeting somewhere to do a fun run/walk in the fall somewhere in the middle of the country, or the middle of Texas?? Let me know. I have a few pals who are interested. I would be fun to meet some of our cyber-friends!
Goodnight for now. God Bless. Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite! Anna Marie
This Scripture has been ringing in my heart these past couple of weeks as my workout schedule has given way to life. Last week it was Vacation Bible School. This week it has been walking around the most beautiful college campus I have ever seen in the United States, The University of San Diego, and around the surrounding area. Wow! It makes me want to go back to school and just learn everything!
But, as I think about my workout in terms of life and how it can fit in, I see that every health challenge must become a way of life. Whether we are spending time in the gym or simply executing our daily life necessities, we can be intentional. I can't help but get excited about how the last month and a half have helped me prepare for my life now! I know I would not have been able to withstand the rigors of the level of activity I have been experiencing, if not for the new discipline in my life. I want to encourage you to not give up! I know I say that a lot, but I need to hear it, so I am assuming you do, too!
Diet-wise, I have been sort of eating what has been provided. I have missed a few meals, but I know I need more discipline, and I have been lax in asking God for His point of view on meals....I repent!!
Keep it up! I know you are feeling better! I have been wondering how many of you would be interested in meeting somewhere to do a fun run/walk in the fall somewhere in the middle of the country, or the middle of Texas?? Let me know. I have a few pals who are interested. I would be fun to meet some of our cyber-friends!
Goodnight for now. God Bless. Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite! Anna Marie
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day 40! Two Thirds the Way There!! Woot Woot!
Wow! It feels good! I am so happy that I have changed my life in this small way! Exercise has become the norm not the exception. I survived a week of Vacation Bible School with very active kids and while I am sore, I am still alive!! What a wake-up call, to realize how far I had fallen into inactivity. I want to thank you guys for being out there. Just knowing you are there has kept me faithful.
This past week my exercise consisted of dancing and playing with the VBS kids. It was so much fun, I have decided to use the music CD from the VBS to work out. I highly recommend music as an addition to a workout. I usually run in silence, spending the time reflecting or praying or just letting my mind go blank! Blank is so refreshing!! But I had forgotten how much the beat of beautiful music can make the time go by and somehow make me feel like I could go on for ever!
This week, I am also adding Juice Plus to my diet. I have been trying to take them regularly for years, but am so not into taking pills. I put them by my tooth brush so I have no excuse for forgetting! I will let you know how I feel after a month is over. (Marsha will be so proud! She is my nurse friend who has been trying to get me on them for years!)
I have been so inspired by making small changes and sticking with them. It makes me want to do more and to realize that I can do more!! I love this quote by Dale Carnegie:
This has never been so true for me as with this lifestyle change. Even though I am not seeing any body change hoo... I am feeling it! I see the truth in Mr. Carnegie's statement. I am fully expecting as I get more fit, that my metabolism will get in line. This one expectation is a huge improvement. Before, when I would try to make changes, and the disappointment I would feel, when the changes I was hoping for did not manifest, would overwhelm me, I would quit. No more! To quote a line from the movie, Galaxy Quest, "Never give up! Never surrender!" :))
So, to you my friends, I am hoping for you to enter into this challenge, renewed, refreshed and encouraged. Any movement is better than none! Any healthy food eaten will improve your body.
Blessings, Anna Marie
This past week my exercise consisted of dancing and playing with the VBS kids. It was so much fun, I have decided to use the music CD from the VBS to work out. I highly recommend music as an addition to a workout. I usually run in silence, spending the time reflecting or praying or just letting my mind go blank! Blank is so refreshing!! But I had forgotten how much the beat of beautiful music can make the time go by and somehow make me feel like I could go on for ever!
This week, I am also adding Juice Plus to my diet. I have been trying to take them regularly for years, but am so not into taking pills. I put them by my tooth brush so I have no excuse for forgetting! I will let you know how I feel after a month is over. (Marsha will be so proud! She is my nurse friend who has been trying to get me on them for years!)
I have been so inspired by making small changes and sticking with them. It makes me want to do more and to realize that I can do more!! I love this quote by Dale Carnegie:
"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you
conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the
big ones will tend to take care of themselves."
So, to you my friends, I am hoping for you to enter into this challenge, renewed, refreshed and encouraged. Any movement is better than none! Any healthy food eaten will improve your body.
Blessings, Anna Marie
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Day 36! Feeling Free!
All I can say is, "I am so glad I have been working out!" I have had two of my precious grand-kids here this week and I am still alive! Wow, I forgot how much energy they have! This week my exercise has been to keep up with them. Yesterday, my grandson challenged me to a sit-up face off. He won. But I was not doing to shabbily!
The kids and I are attending VBS at Alamo Heights UMC. It has really been a workout! I love all the activity. It has been at least 25 years since I have participated to this extent. It is especially sweet because of the improvement I have felt in my physical strength. The challenge is paying off. I know even two weeks ago this week would have been overwhelming. But I am having a blast and feeling a lot more like my old self!
Hope it is helping you as well. Stay the course. We are getting stronger everyday!!
If you are new to the challenge, join by becoming a follower and share the link on Facebook or by e-mail. Let me know by adding a comment and your name will go into a drawing we are having at the end of the 60 days, for a book and a bracelet!
The kids and I are attending VBS at Alamo Heights UMC. It has really been a workout! I love all the activity. It has been at least 25 years since I have participated to this extent. It is especially sweet because of the improvement I have felt in my physical strength. The challenge is paying off. I know even two weeks ago this week would have been overwhelming. But I am having a blast and feeling a lot more like my old self!
Hope it is helping you as well. Stay the course. We are getting stronger everyday!!
If you are new to the challenge, join by becoming a follower and share the link on Facebook or by e-mail. Let me know by adding a comment and your name will go into a drawing we are having at the end of the 60 days, for a book and a bracelet!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Day 32! Dancing in the Spirit!!
Today, I rolled out of bed, hit the floor and did my calisthenics. Off to a good start! But the best exercise began at the Adolphus Hotel in downtown Dallas, where Jack and I were privileged to minister at the Glory Explosion 2011 with Pastor Margelee Hylton!
What glorious praise and worship! I danced in the Spirit for and hour, all be it very sedately! :)) Whoo hoo! That is so much more fun than sit-ups!! Being in the presence of God in a corporate setting like that is so healing and edifying!
For lunch I was compelled by God to eat a salad. It was fabulous! I am on Cloud Nine!
This 60 day health challenge in on the downhill slide, but I am believing that I am never going to quit again! Thank You, Jesus! You are empowering me!
Keep it going, ya'll! Come Join us on the challenge! Bit by bit we can get stronger every day. The Lord wil restore our youth as the eagle!
PS Jack preached like a house afire! :))
What glorious praise and worship! I danced in the Spirit for and hour, all be it very sedately! :)) Whoo hoo! That is so much more fun than sit-ups!! Being in the presence of God in a corporate setting like that is so healing and edifying!
For lunch I was compelled by God to eat a salad. It was fabulous! I am on Cloud Nine!
This 60 day health challenge in on the downhill slide, but I am believing that I am never going to quit again! Thank You, Jesus! You are empowering me!
Keep it going, ya'll! Come Join us on the challenge! Bit by bit we can get stronger every day. The Lord wil restore our youth as the eagle!
PS Jack preached like a house afire! :))
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
60 Day Health Challenge!: Day 30!! True Confessions!
60 Day Health Challenge!: Day 30!! True Confessions!: "So. I am working out, walking/jogging faithfully, eating all the right things and week four comes. I get on the scales, fully expecting at..."
Day 30!! True Confessions!
So. I am working out, walking/jogging faithfully, eating all the right things and week four comes. I get on the scales, fully expecting at least a 5 pound weightloss. Ahhhhhhhhrrrrgggggg! I have gained 2 pounds!!!!!!!
I moaned and groaned about it at the healing center yesterday, and was blessed to have good friends who listened, and encouraged me, and prayed for me. But.....I woke up today, fully expecting to continue my angelic behavior, then got in my car to go to Austin. To a prayer/healing meeting. To be a support to my good friend. To be this wonderful friend. And then I saw it!! The Golden Arches!
I am glad none of my friends or loved ones saw my crazed left turn from the right lane as I surged across four lanes to get a fix! A sausage, egg, cheese Mc-griddle, with hash browns!! Virtuously, I took my coffee black.
Even as I am scarfing down the McGriddle, I am apologizing to the Lord! Ha! He had the last laugh! They forgot to put the sausage in! :))
Now, the end of the day draws near, and I have to say, I feel awful! The fat and chemicals are making me feel lethargic and I realize, with joy, that I have lost the craving! I think I am cured. (This remains to be seen!) For now I will revel in this feeling.
I will not worry about those two pounds...probably muscle anyway! I will arise in the morning and do my morning run down my favorite country lane. And I will ask God about the food tomorrow....He picks stuff that really makes me feel GOOD!!!!
Never give up! Never Surrender! ♥
I moaned and groaned about it at the healing center yesterday, and was blessed to have good friends who listened, and encouraged me, and prayed for me. But.....I woke up today, fully expecting to continue my angelic behavior, then got in my car to go to Austin. To a prayer/healing meeting. To be a support to my good friend. To be this wonderful friend. And then I saw it!! The Golden Arches!
I am glad none of my friends or loved ones saw my crazed left turn from the right lane as I surged across four lanes to get a fix! A sausage, egg, cheese Mc-griddle, with hash browns!! Virtuously, I took my coffee black.
Even as I am scarfing down the McGriddle, I am apologizing to the Lord! Ha! He had the last laugh! They forgot to put the sausage in! :))
Now, the end of the day draws near, and I have to say, I feel awful! The fat and chemicals are making me feel lethargic and I realize, with joy, that I have lost the craving! I think I am cured. (This remains to be seen!) For now I will revel in this feeling.
I will not worry about those two pounds...probably muscle anyway! I will arise in the morning and do my morning run down my favorite country lane. And I will ask God about the food tomorrow....He picks stuff that really makes me feel GOOD!!!!
Never give up! Never Surrender! ♥
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Day 27! Getting Close to the 4th-Week Mark!

Today as I go out, I am going to be meditating on the phrase "out of darkness into the Light," which my friend Terry had for me this morning. It is so cool that I have been reading in 1 John 1-2 for the last several weeks. What has been in my heart is the truth that when we don't love our brothers and sisters and ourselves we are walking in darkness. The biggie for me has always been loving myself. That is part of what this 60 day health challenge has been for me. I am trying to lay aside those weights that keep me back and move into the place of freedom, part of which can only come as I take care of this body of mine, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Neglecting my health and body is disrespectful to my God.
Be encouraged today, friends! Keep going. Don't let lapses over-power you! You can do it! We can do it!
Don't worry about anything, but give it all to God with prayer and thanksgiving!! We are going to make it, together!!!
Blessings and hugs, Anna Marie
Friday, June 3, 2011
Day 25! Sunshine and Chicken Soup!
Yesterday was a blast! I ran and walked with such vigor! I only went 1 1/2 miles, but it set the tone for the rest of the day. Remember John Denver's song, "Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy."? Sunshine is therapeutic, no doubt!
Today my exercise was lifting my two year old grandson and watching kid's movies with my three little grandkids all suffering with a virus. I would have loved to have taken them on our usual walk around the thirty acres we call our "farm", but with their temps and the 100 degrees outside, we just chilled.
For health, today the saving grace was the food. I made them a gluten free homemade chicken soup. It fit the bill and we all are more healthy for it. :))
Tomorrow Jack and I are leading a healing conference. I hope to share some of what the Lord has been teaching me on this health challenge.
Pray for healings, signs and wonders!! Blessings, Anna Marie
Today my exercise was lifting my two year old grandson and watching kid's movies with my three little grandkids all suffering with a virus. I would have loved to have taken them on our usual walk around the thirty acres we call our "farm", but with their temps and the 100 degrees outside, we just chilled.
For health, today the saving grace was the food. I made them a gluten free homemade chicken soup. It fit the bill and we all are more healthy for it. :))
Tomorrow Jack and I are leading a healing conference. I hope to share some of what the Lord has been teaching me on this health challenge.
Pray for healings, signs and wonders!! Blessings, Anna Marie
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Day 24! Exercise Brings Joy!
After an intense 5 day trip, I am home and really ready to get back to my exercise routine. I know I have turned a corner towards health, because I WANT to workout! Wow! This is such a good feeling! I am anticipating my run today with joy!
I learned a new exercise from my great-niece, Katy. It is so "easy" and does wonders for your core. Several times a day, pull in your stomach like you are trying to put your bellybutton on your spine. Hold it as long as you can. Repeat. She got this from her physical therapist. I love these kind of things because you can do it when ever. On our road trip, we were doing the butt clench.:)) It helped to keep my awake but I also could feel the difference in my muscle tone. (Just some suggestions)
Hope all of you are getting fit!! Blessings and health!!
PS Yesterday, I heard the Lord say "Gazpacho!"
I learned a new exercise from my great-niece, Katy. It is so "easy" and does wonders for your core. Several times a day, pull in your stomach like you are trying to put your bellybutton on your spine. Hold it as long as you can. Repeat. She got this from her physical therapist. I love these kind of things because you can do it when ever. On our road trip, we were doing the butt clench.:)) It helped to keep my awake but I also could feel the difference in my muscle tone. (Just some suggestions)
Hope all of you are getting fit!! Blessings and health!!
PS Yesterday, I heard the Lord say "Gazpacho!"
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