Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fresh Air and Fresh Fruits!

Yesterday was a good day. I walked/jogged two miles cross country.  It is always amazing how much more of a challenge it is to run through the woods or down a dirt path than on my treadmill.  More challenge and more fun!  The air was so fresh after the rain we have had, and the cool, crisp air and dazzling sunshine added a rapture to the workout. 

I have been piecing out bits of ways to improve my health.  Today the thought crossed my mind to make a list of my favorite fruits and vegetables, and write about why they give me pleasure.  I have found that when I find pleasure in things, whether it is exercise, or a clean refrigerator, I am more likely to incorporate it into my life on a a regular basis. 

For example, today I found myself putting something back in a cabinet that I normally leave out, cluttering the counter.  I put it back because I realized how much I have been enjoying my clutter-free counter. 

In the same way, I am finding it easier to exercise on a daily basis because I am adding an element of fun into every workout.  Yesterday, my husband was not in the house when I got onto my re-bounder.  I found myself jumping like a little kid.  I was wiggling and waving my arms as I sang a Christmas carol at the top of my lungs.  It was fun!

So, as I think about my favorite fruits and vegetables, I know I will be eating more of them and eating less unhealthy foods. I have found that if I can picture myself doing something, I can do it. 

My first fruit I want to enrapture about is an orange.  I love the smell of the peel as it pulls away from the fruit. The anticipation grows with each burst of orange fragrance.  Then the fun begins of separating the sections. Eating one section at a time, and totally enjoying the burst of flavor as the membranes dissolve is a wonder-filled experience.  Oh man! I am getting oranges today and eating one before I do anything else. 

I won't bore you with the rest of my list, but let me encourage you to try making your own list.
Try the list idea.  You may find your eating habits transformed.
Blessings, Anna Marie

Monday, December 19, 2011

Probiotics and Organic Meat!

How many antibiotics have you had in your lifetime?

Most Americans have had many prescriptions for antibiotics during their lifetime.  If you want to look at some boring (but illuminating) statistics from the Center for Disease Control check out the link at the bottom of this blog.

What some people do not realize is these drugs, while saving lives, also destroy the beneficial bacteria we need to digest our food.  The beneficial bacteria are involved with helping our bodies create the enzymes that are needed in digestion. They also serve to keep the balance between all the gut flora. 
Without the friendly  bacteria, yeast proliferates leading to severe health issues.  Many  intestinal disorders develop because of the imbalance created by antibiotics.If you want to learn more read the article on gut flora I have linked to.

A hidden source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is in the meat we consume.  Even if you have not taken many prescriptions for these potent drugs,  unless you have always eaten organically grown meat, you have unwittingly consumed some powerful antibiotic resistant bacteria.  The practice of meat producers, giving antibiotics to the animals for weight gain, have led to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.  (See third link)

Imbalance of bacterial flora has been linked to many health issues. Recently, I heard a doctor on a radio program explaining how this problem may be one of the primary causes of GERD, or acid reflux.  I have read about connections to depression and obesity, as well.  I was appalled to learn there is also a connection to cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.  Anything that hurts our immune system is a major enemy.

Sounds depressing, doesn't it?

I have been doing some research into the answer to this problem.  There are two solutions I am giving a try.  The first is to only buy meat that is certified to be antibiotic free.  It is more expensive, so this solves two problems.  First, we are eating less meat, which means fewer calories, less fat and cholesterol consumption, and secondly, we are no longer consuming these android bacteria!

The second solution is to add Bio-K plus probiotic to our diet. (I am not being paid for this plug.)
This probiotic is the only one I have been able to find that is clinically proven to contain a minimum of 50 billion active and efficacious bacteria.  It comes in dairy and non-dairy cultures.  I have included a toll-free phone number at the bottom of the blog, in case you do not live near a health food store.

I am looking forward to great results in the course of the next year, as I make these small changes in diet. I am anticipating that the gluten intolerance I have developed and the yeast overgrowth in my blood will be obliterated.

Blessings! Anna Marie

Bio-K plus: 1-800-593-2465




Thursday, December 1, 2011

Looking for Less Stress?

One of my friends posted a link to a blog about 100 days to get organized.  It really rang my bell!  I am so into small steps.  Incrementally, I can get many things accomplished.  When I look at projects such as getting organized, or losing weight, or writing on my book, I get overwhelmed. but, if I grab little chunks and deal with them, before I know what has happened, I arrive at my destination!

In my last post, I shared about cutting the cream in my coffee.  I am already seeing some weight loss, just from eliminating that one thing in my diet.  Yesterday, I heard the Lord say to me at breakfast,

"Just one piece of Ezekiel toast is enough."

I totaled the approximate calories saved from giving up that second piece, and in a year I could be between four to six pounds lighter than I am now (plus the weight loss from giving up the cream) and never feel the pain!

I have been approaching exercise the same way.  When the temptation to sit instead of walk hits me between the eyes, I remember I can burn at least 100 calories by walking really slowly as opposed to just sitting. Another 4-6 pounds gone in a year!  (And that is not counting the increased muscle mass, which burns more calories, when I am sitting!)

How simple can this be?  

I decided to approach my home organization the same way, bit by bit.  I pick jut one small task that needs to be organized and do it.  For example, today, I thought I might get some Christmas decorations up.  The thought of doing all of it was just too much!  So I decided to change the placemats on the table, and the potholders and towels in the kitchen. (Don't laugh!)

Changing theses few items did not make me feel overwhelmed. I actually got excited! And truth be told, I got so into it, I did a whole lot more! :)

I am coming to the realization that I am being slowly healed of the "all or nothing" attitude I have suffered with throughout my life.  It is exhilerating!  I never even realized how much I suffered with this handicap.

Taking life in bits is giving me a whole lot less adrenaline rush, and I am feeling so calm.  Hallelujah!

Tonight, I am going to sit down and figure out how many words I have to write each day to finish my book.  I can't wait!

Weight loss, less stress, and a completed book!  Eureka!

Blessings, Anna Marie